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LPN Programs Marlborough CT

Licensed Practical Nurse Programs in Marlborough CT

For those interested in getting started in a professional career in patient care, LPN Programs in Marlborough CT will help you accomplish your educational goals a lot sooner than you’d likely anticipate.

Many classes can be completed in only a matter of 9 to 18 months, meaning you could be sitting for the Licensed Practical Nurse NCLEXexam in a couple of months or so after graduating from your training program.

Getting Started in LPN Programs in Marlborough CT

Courses to become a LPN hold a few prerequisites. You have to be of minimum age, already have earned a high school diploma or GED, successfully pass a background check and then you must have a negative test result for drugs.

Suggested LPN Programs in Connecticut

The Basics of LPN Training

Despite the fact that there is not a manual on the ways to pick the perfect LPN program, there are some factors to consider. It’s possible that you’ll hear that LPN schools are all the same, yet there are some areas you may want to consider prior to picking which Online LPN programs to enroll in in Marlborough CT. To ensure that you aren’t wasting your time and money, it is crucial to make certain that the school or program you have picked out is still certified by a national accrediting organization such as the American Nurses Association or has been recognized by the Connecticut State Board. While not as critical as the school’s accreditation status, you might like to pay attention to several of the following areas too:

  • Its employment location results with trainees
  • Look at the license assessment scores for candidates
  • How exactly does the price of the class look when placed against similar schools?

Why Should a Practical Nursing License Matter?

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing has instructed, along with federal regulations, that working as a Licensed Practical Nurse is contingent once you’ve got your license and being in a registry. After license is received, you’ll need to go ahead and take next step and become listed with the National nursing registry run by the Nurse Aide Registry. After acquiring your license and getting listed on the registry, you’ll then have your work eligibility, a chance at increased pay, and a great deal more as you get started in a new job!

Employment Opportunities for Licensed Practical Nurses in Connecticut

Online Licensed Practical Nurse Programs in Marlborough CTWe don’t have to tell you that the demand for nurse in Connecticut continues to grow each year per O*Net Online. The domestic growth rate for this position is well ahead of the median for all careers and is also one of the highest in the healthcare industry. As you can see, becoming a certified nurse in Marlborough CT may very well be much easier than you would imagine – particularly in comparison with other types of occupations.

You Are Now Prepared for a New Career!

Learning to become a LPN is currently less difficult and more straight-forward than ever before, so get started off in LPN programs today!

Additional Suggested Licensed Practical Nurse Websites

Connecticut State Department of Public Health

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS)

American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants

International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care

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